Contributors must be affiliated with the University of KAZGUUC and have valid credentials to deposit work in the repository. Alumni and other affiliated users without valid credentials should contact the staff of the M.S. Narikbayev Library. Contributors may deposit content created prior to joining the University of KAZGUU.
Contributors must be willing and able to grant the University the non-exclusive rights to both preserve and make their work available. Deposited content can be scholarly, creative, research-related, or teaching resources. Deposited content must be in a digital format. If the deposited content is part of a series, other works in that series should also be deposited, if possible, so that we can offer a full and complete collection.
All deposited content will be made available to the public, except when forbidden by contracts, rights, or when embargoed for a limited time.
Content types
For our initial phase (2018-2019) the following content types will be accepted:
publications (includingpreprints)
Chapter in the book, Monographs (Book chapter)
Book, Monograph (Book)
The dissertation author's abstract of the dissertation ...
Chapter in the book, Monographs (Book chapter)
Thesis (Thesis)
Book, Monograph (Book)
A scientific report (Working Paper)
Presentation (Presentation)
Article (Article)
Future collections (not an exhaustive list!)
performance and recordings
The staff will work to recognize and support as many file formats as possible. All formats can be deposited, but the following are preferred for preservation reasons:
text: pdf (PDF/A format is preferred), html, doc, ppt, xls, csv, rtf, sgml, xml, marc, css
images: bmp, jpeg, png, psd, tiff, ai/eps/ps, gif
audio: mp3, wav, aiff, ra
video: mpeg, mp4, mov, wmv
All deposits are considered permanent. Content may be removed in case of violation of deposit agreement or other exceptional circumstances, in which case only the record will remain with the following message: “Item withdrawn by authority of the University of KAZGUU. If you have any questions, please contact”
Depositing content
The contributor must either hold the copyright, or the right to deposit, for all contributed content. By depositing their work, the contributor agrees to give the University only the non-exclusive right to disseminate and preserve the content. Preservation may require reproducing the content in different formats to ensure future accessibility.
When using the repository
Whenever a user visits the Library's website, certain information is gathered and stored automatically. This information does not generally identify the user personally. Information that is automatically collected and stored when visiting the repository site includes:
the Internet domain and IP address from which the repository was accessed
the type of browser and operating system
This automatically collected information is only used internally for technical troubleshooting, to monitor compliance with the University of KAZGUU Policy on Information Technology Use and Access, to improve the usability of our website, and to record aggregate statistics.
The Library is committed to providing preservation of repository content. In order to better preserve this content, the Library will:
provide secure storage and backup
perform routine fixity checks using proven checksum methods
create provenance records and other preservation metadata to support accessibility and management over time
perform periodic refreshment to new storage media
The Library is positioned to support the following file formats over lesser-known and proprietary formats.
text: pdf, csv, txt, sgm/sgml, xml
images: jpg, tif
audio/video: wav, mpeg
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.